As we settle into the fourth quarter, it’s a good time to recap this year’s record-setting U.S. M&A deals to date. What are the trickle-down effects from these large deals to middle market activity? What are the notable drivers that keep buyers coming?
Read MoreEvery company’s primary purpose is sustained growth. This may involve seeking outside investment, raising capital, or joining and/or acquiring a like-minded company with a similar product, service, or market. But putting the cart before the horse can do more harm than good; here are 5 key fundamentals to get better before bigger.
Read MoreAs a CEO, there’s nothing worse than going blank like a Bambi in the headlights when a potential investor or advisor asks a question for which you don’t know the answer. Not only should you know your stuff, but you should know it so well that they’re the ones running to schedule the next meeting.
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